With a total volume of R$350 million, the operation was liquidated on April 29 and received a ‘A+.bra’ National Long-Term rating by Moody’s Local
São Paulo, April 30, 2024 – Agibank announces its fifth issue of Public Financial Bills, with a total volume of R$350 million. There was strong demand for the securities, with total orders exceeding more than twice the book’s volume, which provided a reduction of up to 30 bps in relation to the operation’s ceiling rate, and with good diversification of the investor base, attracting investment funds, treasuries and other institutional investors.
The resources will be used to execute the Bank’s business, to diversify its funding base and support the growth credit operations, accomplishing the strategy of high growth with sustainability.
The Financial Bills were issued in two series, with a term of two and three years, starting from the date of issue, and had Banco Santander as lead coordinator and Banco Itaú BBA as coordinator. The offering received a National Long-Term rating of ‘A+.bra’ from Moody’s Local.
“Our fifth issue of Public Financial Bills had good results, with excellent demand from investors and great gains in reducing rates, which are evidence of Agibank’s maturation as an issuer of debt securities. This also gives us confidence that our next issues will be even more efficient in terms of rates and access to investors, which will give us gains in funding diversification and spreads on credit operations, benefiting Agibank’s results as well as our clients”, comments Glauber Correa, CEO of Agibank.
“Issuances to the market are another tool for diversifying our funding, and the recurrence of operations puts us in constant contact with institutional investors, who value the Bank’s transparency and the liquidity of its securities. Our recent ratings upgrades also helped us access more investors at more competitive rates”, comments Gabriel Zaneti, Head of Treasury and ALM at Agibank.
The terms and conditions of the offer are set out in the DIE (Documento de Informações Essenciais), which can be accessed through this link.